Document Analysis & Recognition (1904484)

Semesters’ overall marks account for 50% of total course mark: 30% for midterm exam for which the highest 3 quizzes were chosen; 10% for homework for which each assignment has a weight of 2.5%; and 10% for the programming project.

Std ID Quiz1 Quiz2 Quiz3 Quiz4 MidTerm
147927 3 9 4 8 21 2.5 7 31
157367 2 10 6 9 25 10 4 39
161384 7 10 6 9 26 10 pl 36
161444 4 ab 8 9 21 10 3.5 35
161815 6 10 4 9 25 7.5 pl 33
163029 2 10 4 9 23 10 3.5 37
164102 6 6 4 9 21 10 pl 31
164119 ab 6 4 9.5 19.5 7.5 7 34
164277 8 8 2 9 25 7.5 pl 33
167386 6 9 4 9 24 10 pl 34
168230 3 10 4 9 23 10 2.5 36
169728 6 9 4 9 24 10 pl 34
171109 5 10 4 9 24 10 2.5 37
173518 7 10 4 9 26 10 6 42
173521 4 9 4 9 22 10 3.5 36
173566 8 10 6 9 27 10 7.5 45
173659 5 10 4 9 24 10 6 40
173574 6 7 4 9 22 10 pl 32
173578 5 ab 4 9.5 18.5 10 6 35
173596 ab 7 4 9.5 20.5 10 3 34
174647 5 10 2 9 24 10 pl 34
176269 ab 10 4 6.5 20.5 7.5 7 35
176344 6 10 4 9 25 10 2.5 38
176534 4 0 6 9 19 10 3.5 33
176703 ab 10 8 9 27 10 2.5 40

* ab: absent
* pl: plagarisim

(1) For programming project mark, you can refer to the e-learning platform and visit the comments section.
(2) Participation marks has been added to the programming project mark, such that 0.5 mark is accounted for each successful answer. For each class, only the first  student who managed to answer the online question was given the bonus mark. Check the Microsoft teams platform for more information.